
Wolfram Mathematica is an computational development application and platform that offers a large range of mathematical capabilities and algorithms, heavy number crunching, specialized technical functionality, and data acquisition, processing, analysis, and visualization.

For more details, see


Mathematica is offered faculty, staff, and active students under a campus site license for the West Lafayette, Fort Wayne, and Northwest campuses covering academic and instructional use, and noncommercial academic research on University-owned and personally owned computers.


Purdue's agreement with Wolfram for Mathematica is initially centrally funded; however a vital portion is financed through recharge of costs to the end-users and their respective departments.  For teaching and non-commercial research use only.  Versions are available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux to those participating in the recharge.  This software must be fully uninstalled from personally owned equipment when association with the University ends, status change results in ineligibility, or the department chooses not to participate in the yearly recharge.

Participants in Mathematica recharge should immediately notify when they discontinue use so that their installation can be removed from our recharge listingAny use during the fiscal year will result in rechargeProration of cost is not available. 


To request Mathematica, please see the Mathematica for Faculty, Staff, and Student information at Community Hub:

If your Purdue-owned machine is administered by an IT organization, please contact your IT group for assistance before trying to download and install Mathematica on your machine.


Purdue IT Licensing offers limited support of this product, covering issues with software installation and licensing. Please send e-mail to with details, including the exact text of any warnings received and the steps during installation or use where the issue arises.

For all other product support requests, please contact Wolfram directly at

Contact Information

Purdue IT Licensing can be contacted via the Purdue Service Portal  Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm. Response to inquiries will usually be one business day or less.